Monday 8 July 2013

PAC training

I was up early today (like ten to 8, madness) as my body isn't used to it! I had training with a nice girl Vicky and there were 2 other girls being trained with me. We did MiSiCi as Hub 1 position, where we had to clear the sidewalk and then clear the street and watch people, then form a human wall, then guard a corner of Mickeys float, all while dancing smiling and clapping in the heat, and then walk back behind the parade with a rope. Had long breaks as 2nd MiSi cancelled due to "inclement weather" i.e a float broke and the Trolley show wasnt on either. In my break I finally managed to find the teapot pin I've been looking for, in the UK set!
The 3pm parade was frankly a disaster and I am quite scared of PAC now, high pressure and confusion and safety critical!
Backstage we were given watermelon, YUM! Good in the sun. Messy though! Then for third MiSi we did a backstage position which involved fluorescent vests and a radio and walking in the sun. Then my lovely trainer gave me my first lift home!
I was ill for the second shift and so I have missed training day 2, got training day 3 tomorrow, eek!

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