Decoding Disney

FP Fastpass
AK Animal Kingdom
HS Hollywood Studios
MK Magic Kingdom
ER early release
Legacys the old turnstiles where you put in a ticket
Touch points cool new entrances with iPods and iPads
HOB house of blues club at downtown
Downtown: Disney's shopping and food and cinema area
ToT Tower of Terror!
RnR Rock n Roller coaster
Splash, space, thunder: the 3 mountains!
Chatham Square, Vista way, Patterson, The Commons: the CP housing complexes
CP: College Program
ICP International college program; me!
CRP Cultural representative,  the year long program at Epcot in the world showcase
PG park greeter ie main entrance
PAC parade audience control ie parades and fireworks
MiSiCi Move it Shake it Celebrate it, Hannah Montana style dance party/parade! On 3 times a day
CADCT/3pm Parade The 3pm parade
VS Victoria's Secret of course!

Stroller = pushchair
button = badge
restroom = loo
"try wiping your finger off maybe you have sunlotion on" = your finger is too disgustingly sweaty to give a useful print

When you see a namebadge on someone that says "Chris, Orlando FL" this nearly always means they have forgotten their namebadge as this is the one they give to people at costuming when they didnt bring theirs!! So you see alot of Chris's around.

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